Business Network International - Holiday Inn Southend

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Trevor Parrett is Managing Director of PDS Printing, the go-to company in the area for printing, mailing and effective branding. Trevor has been a member of Southend BNI for 8 years and explains below what BNI is all about and the benefits of being a member of Southend BNI. 

Q. Tell us about BNI?

BNI is the largest and most successful Business Networking Organisation in the World. Founded 33 years ago. Meetings take place out of hours so its very easy to block out the weekly meeting in your diary and work around it.

Q. How often do you meet and where?

Southend BNI meet every Friday from 6:30am at Holiday Inn Southend. They provide a lovely Full English breakfast for members & visitors to kick-start the day. A good breakfast and coffee that hour of the morning is always needed! We love meeting at the Holiday Inn Southend as it’s such a great location, there’s loads of free parking and the team look after us well here.

Q. How long have you been involved in BNI?

I have been a member for over 8 years now and its by far the best Marketing I do. We’ve been meeting at Holiday Inn Southend for over two years now and we meet around a square table discussing business, passing on leads and helping fellow members.

Q. What type of businesses can get involved?

Every business category is exclusive in BNI so you can have all the business in your field and lock out all your competition by joining under your category.

Q. What makes BNI so unique?

The philosophy of BNI is “Givers Gain” so all are encouraged to have a giving attitude. If you give then, the gaining and business back follows because all the other members work hardest for the biggest givers in our group. I get a 5000% return on investment from BNI. That’s over £55,000 worth of business a year.

Q. What technology are BNI using to promote the network and improve business for members?

BNI has an app for all members. It was introduced 2 years ago and has made it a lot easier for members to do business with other members regardless of where they are in the country or even the world. I have received over £15,000 worth of business from members outside of my group in the last year.

Q. What is the cost to join?

Its only £10 to visit Southend BNI to see what it’s like (that covers the yummy breakfast) and to find out about becoming a member. With the proven amount of business available to all it has to be worth at least a look one morning. Our chapter is a dynamic, committed group of business people who know how to refer business to each other.

Q. How can people find out more about BNI?

To find our more about BNI visit our website or click here to let us know if you’d like to visit one of our meetings to see what it’s all about. Alternatively you can call our Chapter President Jacqui Moyies on 01702 217558 to discuss all things BNI.

Did you know

- BNI is the largest and most successful Business Networking Organisation in the World.

- Every business category is exclusive in BNI.

- Southend BNI meet every Friday morning from 6:30am.

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